A few years ago, Amazon shocked the world by acquiring Whole Foods, a move that seemingly came out of left field. While there was definitely a lot of shock across the country that came with the move, it quickly became clear that this move was significant not just for the Ecommerce market that Amazon wholly dominates, but for the organic foods market as well. For me personally, this was the turning point at which we all implicitly acknowledged just how prominent organic foods are as a whole, given that the biggest company in the country just acquired the biggest supplier of organic foods.

Although not everyone is into eating organic, there is no denying that it has become a very popular way of life for many families around the country, including my own household. For those who aren’t aware, food is considered organic if they were not grown (or raised in the case of livestock) without the use of pesticides, growth hormones and other chemicals. In essence, organic food is grown without the use of unnatural means.

And while there are many benefits with respect to the environment when it comes to going organic, most people tend to focus on the benefits that organic brings to your body. Organic food is a lot more nutrient-rich, which makes sense given that they weren’t artificially treated with chemicals that are known to decrease the nutritional value of the food. In addition, due to the absence of unnatural chemicals, many people who are allergic to certain foods but switch over to organic foods end up losing their symptoms. This should be a clear sign that non-organic foods are bad for you.

Even with the health benefits, one just as big reason to go organic is because the food tastes better. Although you may not necessarily be able to taste any chemicals in your non-organic foods, there is a marked difference when you switch over to organic. Perhaps a lot of that has to do with the fact that organic food is typically fresher and lasts longer, but in any case, organic foods definitely are more enjoyable from a taste perspective.

When my kids first started eating organic food, they noticed the difference almost immediately, despite not even mentioning to them that we were buying organic food. And even when we eat out, there are times when we can actually tell that the food is not organic (particularly when it comes to salads). As a result, we end up eating at home much more often than not nowadays.

Now with food that is universally agreed upon to be healthier for you, not to mention healthier for the environment as well, it is only natural that such food is more expensive than other non-organic food (for the same reason that unhealthy fast food is cheaper than most other foods). However, the only thing I can say to that fact is that it is totally worth it. You will feel better each and every day and your body will thank you for it, whether you realize it or not. If you can afford it, eating organic is definitely the right move to make for not just you, but for your entire family as well!